
Hi lovely people! I'm the latest edition to fishingkims. I've only started fishing sometime late feb this year. Being pretty meticulous and creative with ideas, (yes i am a lefty) , i take joy in planning fishing trips for fishingkims and initiate some random suppers which is really not good for our bellies!  It is quite of a coincidence that i happen to be a chef as well, who excels in the butchery department... So yes, i totally dig getting my knife through those big catches (giant Goliath grouper also no problem, send them my way please!) . And well, I can only promise that the fillets will look stunning after i do my craft!

Other than the tingling feeling felt on the rod when a fish is playing with you, i really enjoy understanding more about the  fishes and their habitats. I take special interest in the anatomy of the fish ( i find fish tails really sexy PLUS it tells you a lot about the fish) and if they are good eating or not.

When I was little, I always love and found sun fish so amusing because it looks like a head  that was decapitated floating around! I hope to catch that medieval creature one day! So far, my proudest catch would be a six bar grouper!

Finally, here are my essentials when I pack for my fishing trips: my red foldable chair ( it was a gift!) , army mozzie repellant and my head lamp! I pretty much pack light. And yes, if you have not realise, I do not own my own reel and rod (and tackle kit)! I'm always laughed at being the one who 'cooks with other peoples' pots'... But that gets me tilt points (internal joke) so it is fine with my soul! I trust i will get there someday but ghetto style all the way for now!

**cekim's best best best fishing tip: Do not dress casually for fishing if not you will only be disappointed when you hook up casual Kims /fishes. I personally recommend poka dots and flower prints :)

PS: I've invented a new way to strike! PM me for details :)

Fish on!
cekims xoxoxoxox